The Living Quarters of Porters on Gokyo Trek

The porters in Nepal, similar to those in Peru and Kilimanjaro, have faced deplorable working conditions on the mountain trails including where they sleep at night. It is important to understand that as tourists the success of the trek is dependent on the health and welfare of the porters. In this video, there are a few disturbing facts that cannot be ignored:

1. Porters use up two-thirds per day of their salary to pay for their accommodation and food on the trail. 
2. Porters sleep in cramped rooms without any form of heating, proper mats or blankets. The same space doubles up as storage. (Keep in mind the temperature plunges below freezing on these treks). 
Note: The tourists, however, are provided with blankets, proper mattress and at times some form of heating. 
3. This cramped sleeping space is considered an “upgrade” from sleeping in caves back in 2015 and earlier years.
4. During peak season, the porters sleep in a make-shift shelter as depicted on the video.

How can change happen for the porters?

1. As tourists, you can do your own research on these trails to see if the company you are using are ensuring the well-being of your porters. 
2. Document via photos or videos the poor conditions that you witness on the trail and make use of social media to educate others (Feel free to submit to the Porter Voice Collective). Join our community.
3. As a paying customer, start to make demands of companies to create better sleeping and working conditions for the porters.

Your voice as a tourist will create the change and elevate the voices of the porters worldwide.

Video credit: Adventureholix

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