Meet the wives and families of the porters in Huilloc Alto.

The community of Huilloc Alto is comprised of many porters that walk the Inca Trail. Their wives as seen on these photos work as weavers. Every community has a unique style of weaving and that shows in their final products. In this community, the women do their weaving at home. Everything is hand made.

The community does not see many tourists and is at its infancy in terms of tourism. In fact, the locals recently had a road built to connect them to the town below. The community themselves raised the funds for the project. Now, they hope to use weaving and cultural immersion where homestays are provided as a way to bring tourists. The towns below are already receiving regular tourists. Huilloc Alto, due to its higher location, has been overlooked by tourism and agencies that can bring the tourists to the community.

The women noted that they are not allowed to sell their products in Ollantaytambo, the main tourist area just 45 minute ride away from their town because in order to sell you must pay a fee to become part of a collective of weavers. To start your own collective is also financially difficult. Weaving is one of the biggest attractions in the Cusco region and not all collectives are successful in sustaining their projects in the long run due to the high level of competition or the lack of access to their communities.

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